The Succession of a King

The Succession of a King

Lord Jesus, we come to You tonight, gathered as Your people. We need, Lord, not to just soak up another sermon and digest that and move on, but we need You to speak to us. So we come before You and ask, O Lord, that You would speak to us and through us, that You…

The Most Merciful King

The Most Merciful King

We are called to live by the Spirit and to keep in step with the Spirit, to be like our Lord. Called to keep our word, to faithfully and joyfully fulfill our callings, to consider others more highly than ourselves, to be clear and merciful in all our dealings.

Who’s On The Throne?

Who’s On The Throne?

The one thing more than any other that will keep Jesus on the throne is to go back to His death and His suffering and His resurrection for you and for me, to go back to the Gospel over and over and over again. Then you say, Jesus, there’s only one who can reign, and it’s You.