Prepared to Make a Defense

Prepared to Make a Defense

Let’s come before the Lord in prayer that we might be prepared as we come to His Word. Blessed Lord, You have caused all Holy Scripture to be written for our learning. Grant us that we may in such a way hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort…

Suffering For Good

Suffering For Good

Our Father, we need to hear from You this morning. Thank You that we have heard from You. We thank You for the supernatural power of Your Word. We pray now for continued softened hearts that we might receive that Word, that You might plant it, grow it in us, that You would strengthen and…

A Living Stone

A Living Stone

I invite you to turn in your copy of the Scriptures this morning to 1 Peter in chapter 2. As you turn there, let me pray once more. And now, our Father, it is well with our soul. Nothing in our hands do we bring simply to your cross do we cling, it is well…

A Living Hope

A Living Hope

Good morning, once again. What a joy as always to worship with the saints of God at this beloved church. I invite you this morning to turn in your copy of the Scriptures to 1 Peter and to chapter 1. As you’re doing that, I feel, allow me a moment of personal privilege. Most of…