The Theology of Wealth

The Theology of Wealth

Family, would you bow your heads in prayer with me. Holy God, we come before You knowing that we are needy, hoping that everyone in this room that we know our need for Christ.  We ask that right now, Lord, You would speak to us and in Your kindness You would speak through me, and…

The Ordination of Tennant Brastow

The Ordination of Tennant Brastow

Our Scripture tonight is from 1 Timothy 6, verse 11 through 16. “But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness.  Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the…

Two Things Needed for 2025

Two Things Needed for 2025

Good evening.  Let’s take our Bibles tonight and turn to 1 Timothy chapter 6, verses 3 through 10.  But before we do that, will you join me in prayer? O Lord, tonight as we come to an end of Thanksgiving season, as a country we want to thank You again for the freedom that allows…

Honoring True Widows

Honoring True Widows

If you have your Bibles tonight, please turn with me to 1 Timothy 5 as we continue through our series in the evening, this letter from Paul to Timothy, 1 Timothy 5.  We’ll be looking at verses 1 through 16. “Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father, younger…

In the Household of God

In the Household of God

Lord, we do, what a beautiful prayer for us this evening.  Show us Christ.  God, plant Your Word down deep in us and cause it to bear fruit.  O God, reveal Your glory through the preaching of Your Word.  So teach us, instruct us, encourage us, equip us, remind us again tonight, Lord.  We pray…

Deacons Likewise

Deacons Likewise

Well, please turn with me in your Bibles to 1 Timothy 3.  1 Timothy 3.  We are going to be reading together verses 8 through 13.  1 Timothy chapter 3, verses 8 through 13. If you’re visiting with us, maybe even new tonight, we’re picking up in our study of this letter that Paul wrote…