Love On Display

Love On Display

Let’s turn together in our Bibles to John 13, John chapter 13. We’ll be reading together verses 1 through 17. John chapter 13, verses 1 through 17. Let’s read together now from God’s Word. “Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come to depart out of this world…

Jesus, the Bread of Life

Jesus, the Bread of Life

Father, we join with the psalm writer in saying open our eyes that we may behold wondrous things in Your law. Open our eyes, open our hearts so that we might see, that we might take in, that we might believe all that Jesus has to say for us this morning. May we see Christ,…

In My Place Condemned He Stood

In My Place Condemned He Stood

Well, the wheels were in motion to put Jesus to death. John tells us it’s Passover time. In just a week’s time, the Lamb, the Lord Jesus, would be slain, bearing the sins of His own. As people gather for the Passover, they asked the question, “Where’s Jesus? Isn’t He coming? Is He going to go up to the feast at all?” they asked.

Jesus was not only going up to the feast, Jesus was the feast. He is the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world.

The Increase of Christ, the Decrease of Self, and the Privilege of Gospel Proclamation

The Increase of Christ, the Decrease of Self, and the Privilege of Gospel Proclamation

Let me again start by saying thank you for the invitation to be here this morning, but even more so, for your support of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in downtown Detroit. As a church, you, Christ Covenant, should be very encouraged that there is a brand new, particularized church. We have our own deacons, we have…

Feed My Sheep

Feed My Sheep

Well, you may not realize it from week to week in the sanctuary because you’re facing this way and I’m facing that way, but there’s a big clock in the back that tells me when I’m supposed to be done, so that’s the bad news. The good news is I have a bright sun shining…