Judging and Loving: Part 2

Judging and Loving: Part 2

Father in heaven, we pray that you would send your Holy Spirit to illumine what we do here this evening, illumine your word.  Give us understanding, give us insight.  We confess our inability to rightly interpret and imply the sacred scriptures without the insight given by the Holy Spirit.  Grant us that insight.  Let the…

Judging and Loving: Part 1

Judging and Loving: Part 1

Our Father in heaven, we pray that as we open your Word that it would prove to be profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, for training in righteousness.  That we might be adequately equipped for every good work. Before I begin to look into the text, I just wanted to establish some connections between myself and…

Standing on the Promises

Standing on the Promises

This evening we’ll be looking at Luke, chapter 24, verse 34.  It reads:  “The Lord has risen indeed and has appeared to Simon.”  Several weeks ago we looked at this verse and tonight I am preaching from the very same short passage.  As you may know, there are several ways to approach preaching.  Exegetical preaching,…

A Slave by Grace

A Slave by Grace

Good evening, family. Y’all sound kind of tired. What’s up, fam? Hey, will you go to the Lord with me and let’s pray, ask the Lord to help us during this time? Bow your heads, family. Lord, I’m always blown away and don’t even understand why You have seen it fit to allow Your Word…