How Did Christ Empty Himself?

How Did Christ Empty Himself?

The question then is not whether every tongue will confess, but whether your tongues will confess. And our knees will bow, now while it is the day of salvation, or at the end of the age when it is too late. Now is the time to enter into the purpose of all of human history, that the One who came as a servant, who emptied Himself of all that He had as His right, that He might be in the end exalted above all things, will you now confess Him, worship Him, and give Him the honor He so rightly deserves?

Christ’s Humiliation

Christ’s Humiliation

For centuries, theologians have spoken of the work of Christ as being carried out in two different states. Of course, not states like North Carolina and South Carolina, state in this sense refers to Christ’s position as determined by His relationship to the law and then the condition that follows from that state. These two…

Christ’s Exaltation

Christ’s Exaltation

We will continue on in Philippians, chapter 2, looking at verses 9 through 11. Hear the Word of the Lord. “Therefore God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under…

The Blessing of Humility

The Blessing of Humility

It’s good to be with you again this morning, Christ Covenant family, friends, joining with us. Let’s take a moment to pray. Father, we want to see again Your beauty this morning. To be refreshed by what we find in Christ. To have our hearts grown in love as we encounter Your love for us…