Blessed Assurance

Blessed Assurance

Well, good evening. Good to see you folks tonight. I appreciated Nathan’s emphasis and reminder last Sunday evening when he talked about how each of the Psalms of Ascent builds on each other and there’s a theme that is woven throughout. Last week he brought our attention to the great theme of victory. Victory produces…

The Great Escape

The Great Escape

Well, good evening once again. It’s good to look into the Word of the Lord with you. We are at Psalm 124. My name is Nathan George, I get to serve as Pastor of Worship here. It’s quite a privilege and I enjoy the hymn sings that we get to have off and on, fun…

Have Mercy Upon Us

Have Mercy Upon Us

Well, good evening. If you are joining us this evening for the first time, let me extend a special welcome to you. We’re so glad you’re here. We’re so glad that you have found yourself here to worship with us here tonight and maybe if you’re not a Christian, if you’re just here exploring the…

Who Do You Turn To For Help?

Who Do You Turn To For Help?

Well, good evening. It is my privilege for us to continue on in the Psalms of Ascents, so I invite you, if you haven’t already, you may have, would you turn to Psalm 121. So I want to ask you a question tonight to begin. What is your go-to question when you are trying to…

War and Peace

War and Peace

Father in heaven, we ask once again for Your help, that we may listen well to Your Word and that You would give me the right words to say, the right spirit with which to say it, and that You would speak powerfully to our minds and to our hearts. In Jesus’ name. Amen. If…

A Table in the Wilderness

A Table in the Wilderness

Unveil yourself, God of glory. Wake us to know You. Savior, King, enlighten the eyes of our hearts. Draw away the darkness that blinds, chokes, and shrinks us. Show us your beauty. Make us glad in God and help us to see. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Let’s turn in our Bibles today to Psalm 78….

Like a Satisfied Child

Like a Satisfied Child

Father, like a river, glorious is Your perfect peace, over all victorious in its bright increase, perfect yet it floweth, fuller and fuller every day, perfect yet it groweth, deeper all the way. Lord, those whose hearts are stayed upon Jehovah are fully blessed, finding as You promised, perfect peace and rest. We pray, Father,…