Coming Home to the Garden

Coming Home to the Garden

Father in heaven, give us ears to hear, give us hearts to believe, minds to understand, wills to obey, and a sanctified imagination that we may even slightly begin to fathom what You have prepared for us beyond the river and for all eternity.  What good news, what glad tidings, what a glorious place you…

Jerusalem the Golden

Jerusalem the Golden

Father in heaven, give us now ears to hear and the eyes of faith that we may receive all that You have for us in Your Word.  What a good Word it is and what a glorious passage we come to this morning.  So it may not rest upon us lightly but stir up within…

The New and the No

The New and the No

O Lord, I wonder if we have paid attention to the words that we have just sung, perfect submission, all is at rest, I and my Savior am happy and blessed, watching and waiting, looking above, filled with His goodness, kept in His love.  O Lord, hasten the day that this will be our song…

When Dying Brings You Life

When Dying Brings You Life

Gracious heavenly Father, we pray one more time as we come to Your Word.  Help us to listen, to understand, may You give a special encouragement to any here who may sense the even tide falling upon them, to any here especially grieving the loss of a loved one.  We pray that You would give…

What’s In a Name

What’s In a Name

Heavenly Father, we ask now that You would give us good minds that we might understand, ears to listen, to pay attention, and most of all, hearts that we would gladly receive Your Word, believe, and obey. In Jesus we pray. Amen. Our text this morning is from the book of Revelation, the last book…

A Blessed Invitation

A Blessed Invitation

Father in heaven, we ask now that You would give us grace. We do need grace. I need grace that I might preach Your Word faithfully and in the power of the Holy Spirit and Your people need grace that they might listen and not simply hear the words of a message or lecture or…