The Christ Covenant Missions Conference is an annual event where our church dedicates time to engage its members in the advancement of the global kingdom of God.
We hope you’ll join us March 2-3, 2024 and prayerfully consider how you and your family
can help further the gospel through your Faith Promise giving.
Schedule of Events
Meet Our Supported Workers
You can read about all of our supported workers across the globe and how you can pray for them! Visit our Supported Workers page to learn more.
Faith Promise
When you give to Faith Promise during the Missions Conference, your gift is supporting 92 of our supported workers (missionaries) and church planters serving in 18 different countries to share the gospel of Jesus Christ!
We will have a special time during our morning worship on Sunday, March 3, 2024, during morning worship when you can give your Faith Promise Commitment Cards. We hope you will take time to prayerfully consider what you and your family will give to further the gospel across the world!
You can learn more about why Christ Covenant Church has a Faith Promise by clicking here.
You can also give online to the Faith Promise by going here. You can make a commitment to give to Faith Promise by clicking here.