Corinne Parsons

Corinne Parsons

Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) Intern As an RUF intern, Corinne seeks to form deep relationships with students (mostly freshmen girls) and walk alongside them in their college careers by sharing the gospel and encouraging them in their faith. She develops, coordinates, and executes ministry events alongside her campus minister, as well as leads Bible studies…

Daniel and Laura Millward

Daniel and Laura Millward

Director of The Detroit Project Daniel recruits, trains, coaches and mentors church planters, encouraging them to join their network of church planting families with a vision to plant 35 churches by 2035. Laura is on staff with him as the administrator and bookkeeper for each of the church plants. All of Metro Detroit is a…

Michael and Tricia Lee

Michael and Tricia Lee

Church Planter | Indian Land Presbyterian Church Michael is church planting in Indian Land, SC.His current focus is threefold: gather a launch team, gather unbelievers, and raise support. Tricia works full-time as a recruiter for Mission to the World (MTW). Indian Land is very diverse, both socially and culturally. There are many south Asian and…

Brock and Katie Larson

Brock and Katie Larson

Church Planter | Christ Covenant Church Brock is a church planter looking to establish a Reformed and Presbyterian church in Fargo, North Dakota. His wife stays at home with their twin boys. North Dakota currently has no PCA churches across the whole state. In fact, it is the last of the 50 states to have…

Jordan and Lauren Keyton

Jordan and Lauren Keyton

Wycliffe, JAARS & Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) | Electrician & Solar Power Systems CRM Jordan electrically maintains the 60+ buildings at the JAARS center, allowing Bible translations, video and audio translations, and much more to continue running smoothly. Lauren is excited to engage in the Bible translation movement by supporting her husband and children…

JR & Mary Biggs

JR & Mary Biggs

Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at Oklahoma State University | Campus Minister JR works to reach students for Christ and equip them to servethe Lord. As a minister of the Presbyterian Church in America,his goal is to equip college students during their most formative years, preparing them in Christ to sustain and grow the church for…

Rachel & David Baxter

Rachel & David Baxter

Young Life / Charlotte YoungLives Eastside Coordinator Rachel is the Eastside Coordinator for Charlotte YoungLives, an evangelistic and discipleship ministry to pregnant and parenting teens. Dave is the Pastor of Congregational Life at Christ Covenant. YoungLives provides mentorships and community while sharing the gospel with teen moms and dads. There are an estimated 1,000 teen…

Craig & Sandy Day

Craig & Sandy Day

Caleb Ministries Founders Caleb Ministries ministers to women and families who have lost a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, early-infant death, or women who struggle with infertility or who are post-abortive. The hurt and pain of the loss of a baby or someone who is unable to conceive a child is extremely painful and requires a…

José & Anna Portillo

José & Anna Portillo

Vive Charlotte Church | Church Planter José is the pastor and planter of Vive Charlotte Church. Anna leads as the worship leader and coordinator for women’s ministries. They continue to present the gospel among people in hard situations within their community.

Russell & Latoya McCutcheon

Russell & Latoya McCutcheon

Reconciliation Church | Church Planter Russell & Latoya are church planters with Reconciliation Church in Knightdale, NC. Russell’s job is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and equip their congregation to do the work of ministry. The area where they serve is a very diverse area. Historically, it has been primarily an African American…