How Did We Get Here?

How Did We Get Here?

Oh Lord God Almighty, if we are among those who have come to the feast, it is only because of your grace, your creating grace, electing grace, redeeming grace; and so we ask that you would give to us more grace to hear from you, to feast upon you and Y3our Word that we are…

A Marriage Made in Heaven

Father in Heaven, we need your help so that these next moments are not wasted time with distracted thoughts and wandering hearts. I pray that you would give me grace to speak your word clearly, helpfully, truthfully, and you would give to your people ears to hear and to apply. May we not listen for…

Slave or Free?

Slave or Free?

This morning we come to the book of Galatians, Galatians chapter 4. Hopefully you have a Bible and you can turn there. You can find a Bible in the pews. If you are a regular here, you’ll notice right away that we are in Galatians instead of in Genesis, for two reasons. One, last week…

The Promise is Born

The Promise is Born

O Lord, we ask because we are needy, that You might bless us as we read Your Word. Help us to pay attention. Our minds wander, our stomachs growl, we get restless in our pew. Give us grace. Give us eyes to see, ears to hear. May Jesus reign during this sermon and during the…

The Sins of Sodom

The Sins of Sodom

Please turn in your Bibles to Genesis chapter 19. One of the great advantages of preaching through books of the Bible, which is what we normally do, is that you have to go to next verse and to the next chapter and no one can accuse you of just riding hobby horses, cherry picking what…

The Wonderful Works of God

The Wonderful Works of God

O Lord, You have dwelt well with us according to Your Word. Teach us good judgment and knowledge, for we believe in Your commandments. You are good and do good. Teach us Your statutes. The law of Your mouth is better to us than thousands of pieces of gold and silver. Speak to us, we…

An Everlasting Covenant

An Everlasting Covenant

O God of Abraham, we praise you, Ancient of everlasting days and God of love. You are the great I am, by earth and heaven confessed. We bow and bless Your sacred name, forever blessed. Speak to us, we pray. Give us ears to hear Your voice. In Jesus’ name. Amen. I’ve heard before that…