Jesus as the True Light

Jesus as the True Light

Our text for this evening’s Scripture meditation is just one verse, John 1, verse 9.  Let me begin reading at verse 6 so you can get the context and then after the sermon I will read the rest of John 1, 1 through 14.  Here is John 1, beginning at verse 6. “There was a…

God With Us

God With Us

Our text this morning is Matthew chapter 1, beginning at verse 18 through the end of the chapter.  Matthew chapter 1.  As you find your way there, let’s pray that the Lord would help us. Gracious heavenly Father, we come to this text which may be new to some of us, familiar to many of…

The Genesis of Jesus

The Genesis of Jesus

Father in heaven, help us now as we learn, perhaps for the first time or become reacquainted for the hundredth time, this great, great story of salvation and the birth of our Savior and King, the Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray.  Amen.    Follow along as I read from the Gospel according…

From Compromise to Captivity

From Compromise to Captivity

Father in heaven, we ask as we come to another portion of Your Word, which on the face of it may seem uninspiring, yet we know Your Word teaches that all Scripture is breathed out by God so You have something for us.  You may even surprise us this morning with how You mean to…

The Particulars of the Promise

The Particulars of the Promise

Our text this morning is Joshua chapter 15.  We’ve been in a series in this book since the beginning of the fall/end of the summer, and we’ll go one more week, next week Joshua 16 and 17, Lord willing, and we’ll take a three-week break.  Yes, we will take a little break from land allotment…

An Old Man of Faith and Courage

An Old Man of Faith and Courage

O Lord, I wonder if we have really thought about the words we just sang, Your blood has washed away my sin, Father’s wrath completely satisfied, once we were Your enemies and now we have been seated at Your table, Jesus, thank You.  We give thanks for so great a salvation, for this indescribable gift. …

Rest from the Battle

Rest from the Battle

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer.  In Jesus we pray.  Amen.    Our text this morning is Joshua chapter 11.  After the first five books of Moses we have the book of Joshua.  We’ve been here for…

The Lord God Fights for You

The Lord God Fights for You

Blessed Lord, who caused all holy scripture to be written for our learning, grant that we may in such a way hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of Your Holy Word we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which You have…