Supported Workers

Andy and Davinia Young

Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK

Church Planter | Oxford Evangelical Presbyterian Church Five years ago, Andy was sent by the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales to plant a reformed and Presbyterian church in Oxford, UK. Davinia works with the women of the church and helps lead the children’s ministry. Oxford is renowned as a world center of academics…

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Sihle and Lethabo Xulu

Johannesburg, South Africa

Church Planter | Renewal Fellowship Church Sihle and Lethabo planted Renewal Fellowship Church in 2021. Sihle is the main pastor, and Lethabo leads the women’s ministry. One major obstacle in Johannesburg has been the increasing hostility toward the Christian faith, specifically in the city centers of South Africa. There is a resurgence of African spirituality,…

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Corinne Parsons

Cookeville, TN, USA

Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) Intern As an RUF intern, Corinne seeks to form deep relationships with students (mostly freshmen girls) and walk alongside them in their college careers by sharing the gospel and encouraging them in their faith. She develops, coordinates, and executes ministry events alongside her campus minister, as well as leads Bible studies…

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Steffen and Elizabeth Mueller

Munich, Germany

Church Planter | Gospel Church Munich Steffen serves as the church planter and pastor of Gospel Church Munich, and Elizabeth serves in children’s ministry and women’s ministry at the church. Munich is a major city in Western Europe, where atheism is particularly strong. Less than 0.25% of the population are born-again Christians. By God’s grace…

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Daniel and Laura Millward

Detroit, MI, USA

Director of The Detroit Project Daniel recruits, trains, coaches and mentors church planters, encouraging them to join their network of church planting families with a vision to plant 35 churches by 2035. Laura is on staff with him as the administrator and bookkeeper for each of the church plants. All of Metro Detroit is a…

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Michael and Tricia Lee

Indian Land, SC, USA

Church Planter | Indian Land Presbyterian Church Michael is church planting in Indian Land, SC.His current focus is threefold: gather a launch team, gather unbelievers, and raise support. Tricia works full-time as a recruiter for Mission to the World (MTW). Indian Land is very diverse, both socially and culturally. There are many south Asian and…

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Brock and Katie Larson

Fargo, ND, USA

Church Planter | Christ Covenant Church Brock is a church planter looking to establish a Reformed and Presbyterian church in Fargo, North Dakota. His wife stays at home with their twin boys. North Dakota currently has no PCA churches across the whole state. In fact, it is the last of the 50 states to have…

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Travis and Jessica Jones

Charlotte, NC, USA

East Charlotte Presbyterian Church Rising Adults & Outreach Director Travis has been positioned to lead, feed, and mobilizethe rising adults (fifth grade through high school) of East Charlotte Presbyterian Church (ECPC) and facilitate outreach ventures and opportunities. ECPC is a wonderfully eclectic community, but fear, busyness, greed, laziness and apathy are challenges faced within the…

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Jerry and Rebecca Jones

Waxhaw, NC, USA

OneHundredFold Support Worker OneHundredFold is a group of technology specialists who believe that mobile technology has a transformative role to play in making the gospel of Christ accessible to every individual on Earth. They help other Great Commission ministry partners use mobile technology to deliver the gospel and discipleship materials individually and safely. OneHundredFold works…

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Dave and Micki DeHaan

Chicago, IL, USA

WordPartners | North America Program Director WordPartners trains under-resourced pastors in 40+ countries to preach God’s Word with God’s heart. Dave is involved in training pastors in the essential principles of biblical interpretation until they are equipped to preach expositionally and can train others to do the same. Many of the pastors they train have…

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JR & Mary Biggs

Stillwater, OK, USA

Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at Oklahoma State University | Campus Minister JR works to reach students for Christ and equip them to servethe Lord. As a minister of the Presbyterian Church in America,his goal is to equip college students during their most formative years, preparing them in Christ to sustain and grow the church for…

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Rachel & David Baxter

Charlotte, NC, USA

Young Life / Charlotte YoungLives Eastside Coordinator Rachel is the Eastside Coordinator for Charlotte YoungLives, an evangelistic and discipleship ministry to pregnant and parenting teens. Dave is the Pastor of Congregational Life at Christ Covenant. YoungLives provides mentorships and community while sharing the gospel with teen moms and dads. There are an estimated 1,000 teen…

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Julian and Rachel Bacon

Brussels, Belgium

Hope International Church of Brussels | MTW Church Planting Team Julian and Rachel serve on a church planting team with Mission to the World (MTW). Julian is the teaching elder of Hope International Church of Brussels, and Rachel serves as a leader and trainer with Community Bible Study International, an inductive Bible study organization. In…

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Mitchell & Jessica Spence

Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Living Hope Church | Church Planter Mitch is planting and pastoring Living Hope Church in a student-saturated community on the eastern edge of the city, located within walking distance of the National University of Science and Technology (NUST). Additionally, he is helping to train up young Zimbabweans for the work of the gospel in both…

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Bongolomzi & Sibulele Mkiva

Cape Town, South Africa

Union Chapel Presbyterian | Church Church Planting Resident The first quarter of 2024, Bongo will be responsible for core group development, vision casting, fundraising and establishing a community around God’s Word, with the aim of launching Sunday services by mid-year. Home to the prestigious University of Cape Town, the area they are looking to plant…

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André & Larissa Meyer

Leipzig, Germany

Leipzigprojekt Church | Church Planter As the church planter and pastor of Leipzigprojekt Church, André is leading the church on mission toward serving their community and teaching the Scriptures while communicating the vision of the church. East Germany is the most irreligious region on earth. Leipzig is the most influential city within this region and…

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Craig & Sandy Day

Charlotte, NC, USA

Caleb Ministries Founders Caleb Ministries ministers to women and families who have lost a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, early-infant death, or women who struggle with infertility or who are post-abortive. The hurt and pain of the loss of a baby or someone who is unable to conceive a child is extremely painful and requires a…

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Ben & Melanie Kappers

St. George, Utah, USA

All Saints Reformed Church | Church Planter The mission of All Saints Reformed Church is to establish an orthodox, reformed, and evangelical church in the spiritual desert of southwest Utah. Only 2% of the 200,000+ people in this area are Christians. 65- 70% of the local population is Mormon (LDS), while another 20-25% has no…

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Charles & Charlotte McKnight

Winston-Salem, NC, USA

Mission to North America (MNA) African American Ministries Coordinator Charles has the privilege of recruiting, mentoring and mobilizing African Americans in the PCA. Charlotte serves as the Mission to North America (MNA) Executive and Development Assistant. Out of 5,200+ pastors in the PCA, only 64 are African American, and out of nearly 2,000 PCA congregations,…

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Emily & Damon Harris

Boone, NC, USA

Appalachian State University CRU Campus Staff The Harrises spend most of their time engaging in evangelism at Appalachian State University by discipling students, leading Bible studies, planning outreach events, and putting on a weekly meeting for students. The idol of busyness is definitely felt on campus, and students do not think they have time to…

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José & Anna Portillo

North Sharon Amity Road, Charlotte, NC, USA

Vive Charlotte Church | Church Planter José is the pastor and planter of Vive Charlotte Church. Anna leads as the worship leader and coordinator for women’s ministries. They continue to present the gospel among people in hard situations within their community.

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Erik & Hara Petrou

Athens, Greece

Pnoi Zois Church in Neos Kosmos | Church Planter Erik and Hara are planting a church in the Neos Kosmos neighborhood of Athens and serve the community by developing relationships, evangelizing, and discipling. Greek Eastern Orthodox beliefs pose challenges to the ministry, because the Protestant church is seen as a cult, and Protestant Christians are…

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Ben & Kim Church

Kampala, Uganda

Christ Our Refuge Church | Church Planter Ben is planting Christ Our Refuge Church (COR) in southern Kampala and also serves on the church planting committee of the Uganda Presbytery for the Reformation Church in East Africa (RCEA). Kim serves in the women’s, children’s, and medical ministries of the church. While over 80% of people…

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Richard & Susan Bae

Tokyo, Japan

SIM / MTW Japan | Language & culture acquisition phase The Baes are finishing up language and culture learning while exploring ministry options. Susan meets with Chinese and Japanese women, both seekers and believers, for Bible study. Rich is exploring options for administrative ministries within MTW Japan. Christians are less than 1% of the population…

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Russell & Latoya McCutcheon

Knightdale, NC, USA

Reconciliation Church | Church Planter Russell & Latoya are church planters with Reconciliation Church in Knightdale, NC. Russell’s job is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and equip their congregation to do the work of ministry. The area where they serve is a very diverse area. Historically, it has been primarily an African American…

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Vaughn & Joni Volious

Columbia, South Carolina, USA

Campus Outreach Columbia Area Director (V) Regional Women’s Coordinator (J) Vaughn seeks to evangelize and disciple students in the Columbia area (Benedict College and University of South Carolina). Joni and Vaughn seek to shepherd and train all of the Campus Outreach staff to be equipped for ministry work in the Columbia area and on their…

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Jonathan & Sheona de Groot

Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Christ Church Glasgow | Church Planter Jonathan is the minister of Christ Church Glasgow, a church plant of the Free Church of Scotland. He is a member of the Mission Board of the Free Church and the Convenor of the Church Planting Strategy Committee for their Presbytery. Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland, with…

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Cliff & Rose Chin

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Charlotte Chinese Baptist Church English Ministry Pastor Clifford is the English pastor at Charlotte Chinese Baptist Church (CCBC). Their goal is to equip God’s people with his Word and to see them grow and flourish in a healthy church body so they can bring the truth of Christ to their ethnic communities, their future families,…

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Tom & Sharlene Muir

Midlothian, UK

Esk Valley Free Church | Church Planter Having planted Esk Valley, they are now seeking to establish it as a self-sustaining church for generations to come. Sharlene is very involved in the life of the church and also teaches at a local high school. Scotland is a very progressively secular country, which brings many challenges….

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Jack & Pamela Sielaff

Glasgow, UK

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) | Supported Worker/Pastor The Sielaffs hope to be working with the Free Church of Scotland to disciple international students and release them to do church planting in their home countries. This will be part of a church planting movement that will bear fruit in Scotland and in the countries of…

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Wesley & Nicole Marshall

Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa

Hope City Presbyterian Church | Church Planter Wesley planted a mission church called Hope City Presbyterian, which is part of the Presbyterian and Reformed Church of South Africa (PARCSA). It is his joy and privilege to love and serve the people in their growing congregation as a pastor. Nicole is an educator, and her challenging…

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Daniel & Rebecca Gregoire


Mission to the World (MTW) Team Leader The Gregoires are working on a church revitalization project and a mercy/evangelism outreach among the Roma (gypsies) in two nearby villages in Slovakia. Rebecca directs a Roma preschool, and Dan serves as an elder at church. Presenting the gospel alongside community development is greatly needed among the Roma…

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Justin & Amy Grimm

Westerville, Ohio, USA

Story Presbyterian Church Church Planter Justin is the pastor of Story Presbyterian Church, a five-year-old church plant. Amy works for the Boeing Company and does a lot of behind-the-scenes work for the church. The biggest need for the church right now is growth. Infrastructure is in place, but they need to reach more families with…

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Brandi & Jay Rawls

Newport News, VA, USA

Campus Outreach (CO) | East Coast Network Women’s Development Director Brandi serves Campus Outreach staff in eight regions on the East Coast through training, coaching, assessment, mentoring, and content development. The main goal of the development team is to strengthen Campus Outreach teams so more students can be reached with the gospel. Jay works as…

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Bud & Barbara Speck

Waxhaw, NC, USA

Wycliffe Global Alliance | Communication Consultant Bud continues to serve Wycliffe Global Alliance as a Communication Consultant for 19 European Bible translation organizations and the global communications team. Barbara continues in intercessory prayer for the worldwide Bible translation movement. There are still many language groups around the world that have an urgent need for the…

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David & Estelle Abernathy

Waxhaw, North Carolina, USA

Wycliffe Bible Translators | Author & Editor of Exegetical Research David does exegetical research for use by Bible translators to help them understand biblical texts they are translating. He also edits the work of nine other researchers. Estelle works in the accounting office at JAARS, in Waxhaw. JAARS provides logistical support for the work of…

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Jonathan & Vanessa Saunders

Detroit, MI, USA

Redeemer Presbyterian Detroit | Church Planter Redeemer is in the heart of Detroit with a gospel impact in local neighborhoods. They are also the lead church with the Detroit Project, a metro church-planting network that currently has five church plants at various stages. Detroit is experiencing an economic rebound, which makes for exciting ministry. Metro…

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Cynthia Ruble

Nagoya, Aichi, Japan

Life Hope Network Founder & Director Global Outreach International Cynthia runs a home for pregnant women and a crisis pregnancy/post-abortion counseling ministry. There is also a church plant that meets in their café. Japan is hard soil for the gospel due to the worship of many gods, the belief in fate, the hold of Buddhism…

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Mark & Raylene Casson

Chattanooga, TN, USA

Mission to North America (MNA) Ministry Engagement Director Mark engages and educates PCA churches regardingthe vision and mission of MNA. He also equips MNA ministries to serve the entire PCA with excellence. Much prayer is needed to achieve MNA’s goal of seeing 1,000 new and healthy churches planted over the next 10 years. Also, many…

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Jan King

Waxhaw, North Carolina, USA

Wycliffe / JAARS Retired Volunteer In 1973, the King family arrived in the Philippines where they were privileged to serve in support of Bible translation. They worked there for 16 years, Dave as a pilot and Jan as an RN, training primary healthcare workers. Jan become a widow in 1991 and since then has plugged…

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Dony & Sharon St. Germain

Jeremie, Haiti

Mission to North America (MNA)El Shaddai Ministries Int’l (ESMI) | President of ESMI & Church Planter Dony works in the field of church planting and leadership development. This includes working in Haiti as well as reaching the Haitian population in the USA and Canada. The Haitian community is in desperate need of the gospel. Their…

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Jonty & Georgina Rhodes

Leeds, England, UK

Christ Church Central Leeds | Church Planter The Rhodes are planting a Presbyterian church in Leeds, one of the largest cities in the north of England. Church attendance in this area is about 0.7%, and most people think their country has moved ‘beyond’ Christianity. Even among evangelicals, Presbyterianism is very rare (perhaps now 20 churches…

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Rohan & Rebecca Crown

Lethbridge, AB, Canada

Amazing Grace PCA & URAmazing Ministries Church Planter & Ministry Leader The Crowns are located in a very diverse city that has a large indigenous (Blackfoot Indian) population. Through many partnerships and connections in the city, including URAmazing’s Amazing Kids ministry, non-churched people are being reached with the gospel. The secularization and spiritual decline of…

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James & Kelly Broadaway

Cape Town, South Africa

Campus Outreach South Africa | Campus Outreach Cape Town Team Leaders James and Kelly are Campus Outreach Cape Town Team Leaders. Their goal is to evangelize and disciple university students, preparing them to multiply their lives and walk with Christ for a lifetime. Cape Town hosts three university campuses with more than 80,000 students. The…

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Zach & Amy Fulginiti

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Campus Outreach Regional Director Zach serves as the Campus Outreach (CO) Charlotte Director, which oversees ministry across NC. He provides spiritual oversight, shepherding, leadership, coaching and vision for staff who serve on campuses across the state, which have more than 100,000 college students on them. More and more students are drifting away from Christ. There…

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Milas & Ashley Shepherd

Fairfield, Connecticut, USA

Christ Presbyterian Church | Church Planter Milas is continuing the work of establishing a church plant in Fairfield, CT, which includes a great deal of evangelism and discipleship in a largely unchurched area. Most of those in the region grew up nominally Catholic and do not attend church. In order to engage others with the…

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Peter & Katie Eck

Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA

New City Fellowship of Atlantic City Church Planter This city of about 40,000 is a small city with big-city problems. With over a million tourists per year, it is plagued by poverty, greed, corruption, false religions and much more. Churches are dwindling and struggling to survive. A significant percentage of the population are Muslims. Christianity…

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Missionaries in Restricted Areas

To preserve the safety of our missionaries working in certain locations, we will not be posting their identities on the website. However, we do encourage your prayers for these missionaries and we have some specific prayer requests that you can use.

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Samuel & Carol Foucachon

Paris, France

Chapelle de Nesle | Church Planter Samuel is a French pastor and church planter. In 2012, Samuel and Carol began the first worship service of what is now the Chapelle de Nesle in the center of Paris (Latin quarter). There are very few opportunities for the French to hear and receive the gospel or find…

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Michael & Linda-Lee Wadhams

Lynden, WA, USA

Mission to the World (MTW) | North American Indigenous Missionaries Michael develops cross-cultural ministry with North American indigenous nations. His ministry includes mentorship and discipleship opportunities with the goal of building churches and having indigenous leaders participate in cross-tribal outreach. Lindie develops relationships with tribal departments and offers support to girls in their programs. One…

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Imbumi & Martha Makuku

Kibera, Nairobi, Nairobi County Province, Kenya

Kibera Reformed Presbyterian Church | Church Planter& Founders of the Mamlaka Foundation Imbumi serves as the pastor for the Kibera Reformed Presbyterian Church. Imbumi and Martha run a holistic ministry through their church where they engage in teaching, preaching, and discipling. They are the founders of Mamlaka Christian School and also manage a girls’ and…

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Emily & Timothy Bantola

Abington, PA, USA

Cru Global Finance Internal Audit Director Emily serves as the Global Finance Internal Audit Director for Campus Crusade for Christ, Intl. (CCCI). Her team reviews finances of more than 200 CCCI ministries around the world to make sure that ministries and leaders are above reproach in the use of funds the Lord has given them….

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Jeff & Kris Viljoen

Johannesburg, South Africa

Campus Outreach South Africa Director Jeff oversees and directs Campus Outreach ministry, leading 31 staff through the Team Directors. While 76% of South Africans statistically align as Christian, only 19% of that number are evangelical Christians, leading to a lot of syncretism. Most of the students they engage with have heard about Jesus, but their…

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Daniel & Rebecca Gregoire


Mission to the World (MTW) Team Leader The Gregoires are working on a church revitalization project and a mercy/evangelism outreach among the Roma (gypsies) in two nearby villages in Slovakia. Rebecca directs a Roma preschool, and Dan serves as an elder at church. Presenting the gospel alongside community development is greatly needed among the Roma…

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Justin & Amy Grimm

Westerville, Ohio, USA

Story Presbyterian Church Church Planter Justin is the pastor of Story Presbyterian Church, a five-year-old church plant. Amy works for the Boeing Company and does a lot of behind-the-scenes work for the church. The biggest need for the church right now is growth. Infrastructure is in place, but they need to reach more families with…

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Emily & Damon Harris

Boone, NC, USA

Appalachian State University CRU Campus Staff The Harrises spend most of their time engaging in evangelism at Appalachian State University by discipling students, leading Bible studies, planning outreach events, and putting on a weekly meeting for students. The idol of busyness is definitely felt on campus, and students do not think they have time to…

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Travis and Jessica Jones

Charlotte, NC, USA

East Charlotte Presbyterian Church Rising Adults & Outreach Director Travis has been positioned to lead, feed, and mobilizethe rising adults (fifth grade through high school) of East Charlotte Presbyterian Church (ECPC) and facilitate outreach ventures and opportunities. ECPC is a wonderfully eclectic community, but fear, busyness, greed, laziness and apathy are challenges faced within the…

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Jerry and Rebecca Jones

Waxhaw, NC, USA

OneHundredFold Support Worker OneHundredFold is a group of technology specialists who believe that mobile technology has a transformative role to play in making the gospel of Christ accessible to every individual on Earth. They help other Great Commission ministry partners use mobile technology to deliver the gospel and discipleship materials individually and safely. OneHundredFold works…

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Ben & Melanie Kappers

St. George, Utah, USA

All Saints Reformed Church | Church Planter The mission of All Saints Reformed Church is to establish an orthodox, reformed, and evangelical church in the spiritual desert of southwest Utah. Only 2% of the 200,000+ people in this area are Christians. 65- 70% of the local population is Mormon (LDS), while another 20-25% has no…

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Jan King

Waxhaw, North Carolina, USA

Wycliffe / JAARS Retired Volunteer In 1973, the King family arrived in the Philippines where they were privileged to serve in support of Bible translation. They worked there for 16 years, Dave as a pilot and Jan as an RN, training primary healthcare workers. Jan become a widow in 1991 and since then has plugged…

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Brock and Katie Larson

Fargo, ND, USA

Church Planter | Christ Covenant Church Brock is a church planter looking to establish a Reformed and Presbyterian church in Fargo, North Dakota. His wife stays at home with their twin boys. North Dakota currently has no PCA churches across the whole state. In fact, it is the last of the 50 states to have…

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Michael and Tricia Lee

Indian Land, SC, USA

Church Planter | Indian Land Presbyterian Church Michael is church planting in Indian Land, SC.His current focus is threefold: gather a launch team, gather unbelievers, and raise support. Tricia works full-time as a recruiter for Mission to the World (MTW). Indian Land is very diverse, both socially and culturally. There are many south Asian and…

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Imbumi & Martha Makuku

Kibera, Nairobi, Nairobi County Province, Kenya

Kibera Reformed Presbyterian Church | Church Planter& Founders of the Mamlaka Foundation Imbumi serves as the pastor for the Kibera Reformed Presbyterian Church. Imbumi and Martha run a holistic ministry through their church where they engage in teaching, preaching, and discipling. They are the founders of Mamlaka Christian School and also manage a girls’ and…

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Wesley & Nicole Marshall

Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa

Hope City Presbyterian Church | Church Planter Wesley planted a mission church called Hope City Presbyterian, which is part of the Presbyterian and Reformed Church of South Africa (PARCSA). It is his joy and privilege to love and serve the people in their growing congregation as a pastor. Nicole is an educator, and her challenging…

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Russell & Latoya McCutcheon

Knightdale, NC, USA

Reconciliation Church | Church Planter Russell & Latoya are church planters with Reconciliation Church in Knightdale, NC. Russell’s job is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and equip their congregation to do the work of ministry. The area where they serve is a very diverse area. Historically, it has been primarily an African American…

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Charles & Charlotte McKnight

Winston-Salem, NC, USA

Mission to North America (MNA) African American Ministries Coordinator Charles has the privilege of recruiting, mentoring and mobilizing African Americans in the PCA. Charlotte serves as the Mission to North America (MNA) Executive and Development Assistant. Out of 5,200+ pastors in the PCA, only 64 are African American, and out of nearly 2,000 PCA congregations,…

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André & Larissa Meyer

Leipzig, Germany

Leipzigprojekt Church | Church Planter As the church planter and pastor of Leipzigprojekt Church, André is leading the church on mission toward serving their community and teaching the Scriptures while communicating the vision of the church. East Germany is the most irreligious region on earth. Leipzig is the most influential city within this region and…

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Daniel and Laura Millward

Detroit, MI, USA

Director of The Detroit Project Daniel recruits, trains, coaches and mentors church planters, encouraging them to join their network of church planting families with a vision to plant 35 churches by 2035. Laura is on staff with him as the administrator and bookkeeper for each of the church plants. All of Metro Detroit is a…

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Bongolomzi & Sibulele Mkiva

Cape Town, South Africa

Union Chapel Presbyterian | Church Church Planting Resident The first quarter of 2024, Bongo will be responsible for core group development, vision casting, fundraising and establishing a community around God’s Word, with the aim of launching Sunday services by mid-year. Home to the prestigious University of Cape Town, the area they are looking to plant…

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Steffen and Elizabeth Mueller

Munich, Germany

Church Planter | Gospel Church Munich Steffen serves as the church planter and pastor of Gospel Church Munich, and Elizabeth serves in children’s ministry and women’s ministry at the church. Munich is a major city in Western Europe, where atheism is particularly strong. Less than 0.25% of the population are born-again Christians. By God’s grace…

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Tom & Sharlene Muir

Midlothian, UK

Esk Valley Free Church | Church Planter Having planted Esk Valley, they are now seeking to establish it as a self-sustaining church for generations to come. Sharlene is very involved in the life of the church and also teaches at a local high school. Scotland is a very progressively secular country, which brings many challenges….

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Daniel & Rebecca Gregoire

Daniel & Rebecca Gregoire

Mission to the World (MTW) Team Leader The Gregoires are working on a church revitalization project and a mercy/evangelism outreach among the Roma (gypsies) in two nearby villages in Slovakia. Rebecca directs a Roma preschool, and Dan serves as an elder at church. Presenting the gospel alongside community development is greatly needed among the Roma…

Justin & Amy Grimm

Justin & Amy Grimm

Story Presbyterian Church Church Planter Justin is the pastor of Story Presbyterian Church, a five-year-old church plant. Amy works for the Boeing Company and does a lot of behind-the-scenes work for the church. The biggest need for the church right now is growth. Infrastructure is in place, but they need to reach more families with…

Emily & Damon Harris

Emily & Damon Harris

Appalachian State University CRU Campus Staff The Harrises spend most of their time engaging in evangelism at Appalachian State University by discipling students, leading Bible studies, planning outreach events, and putting on a weekly meeting for students. The idol of busyness is definitely felt on campus, and students do not think they have time to…

Travis and Jessica Jones

Travis and Jessica Jones

East Charlotte Presbyterian Church Rising Adults & Outreach Director Travis has been positioned to lead, feed, and mobilizethe rising adults (fifth grade through high school) of East Charlotte Presbyterian Church (ECPC) and facilitate outreach ventures and opportunities. ECPC is a wonderfully eclectic community, but fear, busyness, greed, laziness and apathy are challenges faced within the…

Jerry and Rebecca Jones

Jerry and Rebecca Jones

OneHundredFold Support Worker OneHundredFold is a group of technology specialists who believe that mobile technology has a transformative role to play in making the gospel of Christ accessible to every individual on Earth. They help other Great Commission ministry partners use mobile technology to deliver the gospel and discipleship materials individually and safely. OneHundredFold works…

Ben & Melanie Kappers

Ben & Melanie Kappers

All Saints Reformed Church | Church Planter The mission of All Saints Reformed Church is to establish an orthodox, reformed, and evangelical church in the spiritual desert of southwest Utah. Only 2% of the 200,000+ people in this area are Christians. 65- 70% of the local population is Mormon (LDS), while another 20-25% has no…

Jan King

Jan King

Wycliffe / JAARS Retired Volunteer In 1973, the King family arrived in the Philippines where they were privileged to serve in support of Bible translation. They worked there for 16 years, Dave as a pilot and Jan as an RN, training primary healthcare workers. Jan become a widow in 1991 and since then has plugged…

Brock and Katie Larson

Brock and Katie Larson

Church Planter | Christ Covenant Church Brock is a church planter looking to establish a Reformed and Presbyterian church in Fargo, North Dakota. His wife stays at home with their twin boys. North Dakota currently has no PCA churches across the whole state. In fact, it is the last of the 50 states to have…

Michael and Tricia Lee

Michael and Tricia Lee

Church Planter | Indian Land Presbyterian Church Michael is church planting in Indian Land, SC.His current focus is threefold: gather a launch team, gather unbelievers, and raise support. Tricia works full-time as a recruiter for Mission to the World (MTW). Indian Land is very diverse, both socially and culturally. There are many south Asian and…

Imbumi & Martha Makuku

Imbumi & Martha Makuku

Kibera Reformed Presbyterian Church | Church Planter& Founders of the Mamlaka Foundation Imbumi serves as the pastor for the Kibera Reformed Presbyterian Church. Imbumi and Martha run a holistic ministry through their church where they engage in teaching, preaching, and discipling. They are the founders of Mamlaka Christian School and also manage a girls’ and…

Wesley & Nicole Marshall

Wesley & Nicole Marshall

Hope City Presbyterian Church | Church Planter Wesley planted a mission church called Hope City Presbyterian, which is part of the Presbyterian and Reformed Church of South Africa (PARCSA). It is his joy and privilege to love and serve the people in their growing congregation as a pastor. Nicole is an educator, and her challenging…

Russell & Latoya McCutcheon

Russell & Latoya McCutcheon

Reconciliation Church | Church Planter Russell & Latoya are church planters with Reconciliation Church in Knightdale, NC. Russell’s job is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and equip their congregation to do the work of ministry. The area where they serve is a very diverse area. Historically, it has been primarily an African American…

Charles & Charlotte McKnight

Charles & Charlotte McKnight

Mission to North America (MNA) African American Ministries Coordinator Charles has the privilege of recruiting, mentoring and mobilizing African Americans in the PCA. Charlotte serves as the Mission to North America (MNA) Executive and Development Assistant. Out of 5,200+ pastors in the PCA, only 64 are African American, and out of nearly 2,000 PCA congregations,…

André & Larissa Meyer

André & Larissa Meyer

Leipzigprojekt Church | Church Planter As the church planter and pastor of Leipzigprojekt Church, André is leading the church on mission toward serving their community and teaching the Scriptures while communicating the vision of the church. East Germany is the most irreligious region on earth. Leipzig is the most influential city within this region and…

Daniel and Laura Millward

Daniel and Laura Millward

Director of The Detroit Project Daniel recruits, trains, coaches and mentors church planters, encouraging them to join their network of church planting families with a vision to plant 35 churches by 2035. Laura is on staff with him as the administrator and bookkeeper for each of the church plants. All of Metro Detroit is a…

Bongolomzi & Sibulele Mkiva

Bongolomzi & Sibulele Mkiva

Union Chapel Presbyterian | Church Church Planting Resident The first quarter of 2024, Bongo will be responsible for core group development, vision casting, fundraising and establishing a community around God’s Word, with the aim of launching Sunday services by mid-year. Home to the prestigious University of Cape Town, the area they are looking to plant…

Steffen and Elizabeth Mueller

Steffen and Elizabeth Mueller

Church Planter | Gospel Church Munich Steffen serves as the church planter and pastor of Gospel Church Munich, and Elizabeth serves in children’s ministry and women’s ministry at the church. Munich is a major city in Western Europe, where atheism is particularly strong. Less than 0.25% of the population are born-again Christians. By God’s grace…

Tom & Sharlene Muir

Tom & Sharlene Muir

Esk Valley Free Church | Church Planter Having planted Esk Valley, they are now seeking to establish it as a self-sustaining church for generations to come. Sharlene is very involved in the life of the church and also teaches at a local high school. Scotland is a very progressively secular country, which brings many challenges….