
Event Series Orchestra


Christ Covenant Church 800 Fullwood Lane, Matthews

Do you enjoy playing an instrument? Would you enjoy joining the orchestra? Contact Liz McNulty so she can schedule a time for you to audition and get to know our...

Event Series Choir


Christ Covenant Church 800 Fullwood Lane, Matthews

If you are interested in joining the adult choir, please contact Liz McNulty to schedule a time to audition and with our Pastor of Worship, Nathan George, who would like...

Trail Life

Christ Covenant Church 800 Fullwood Lane, Matthews

Our church sponsors Trail Life Troop NC-0413 for boys, grades K-12. The program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man’s skills and allow him to grow on a personal...

Pickup Basketball Fellowship and Outreach

Join Men’s Ministry Pickup Basketball Fellowship and Outreach! We are playing Saturday mornings from 8:00 am – 10:00 am in Christ Covenant’s Aux Gym located in the A building (next...

Event Series Caregivers


Are you caring for a parent, spouse, or child? Have you been caring for a loved one for a long time or just beginning your journey? We have a support...

Event Series Morning Worship

Morning Worship

Christ Covenant Church 800 Fullwood Lane, Matthews

Come and worship with us on Sundays at 10:45 am in the sanctuary at Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, NC. If you are unable to join us in person, we...