Our Sunday School classes are currently on a break during the summer. Fall Sunday School kicks off on August 25, 2024. Fall Sunday School will go from August 25 through November 24. We will have two combined Sunday Schools on both November 17 and November 24. Below are the fall Sunday School classes. All classes begin at 9:00 am.

If you have any questions about Sunday School, please email [email protected]. We hope you will join us!

New Member Class

Teacher: Tom Groelsema
Location: CDS High School Commons

The New Member Class is an opportunity to learn more about the ministries, people, staff, doctrine, and vision of Christ Covenant. The class is open to anyone but is especially for those who are new to Christ Covenant or are considering membership at the church. Topics include Presbyterian theology, the importance of church membership, philosophy of worship, the role of elders and deacons, and how to get plugged into the church. This class is required for those 9th grade and older who would like to become members of Christ Covenant Church. Those participating will have the opportunity to develop relationships with other class participants and current members. To sign up, either email Michelle Gustavson at [email protected] or click here to register online.

Gospel Freedom: An Interactive Exploration of the Book of Galatians

Teacher: Curt Johnson
Location: CDS High School Room 110

Many Christian scholars have called Galatians the Magna Carta of the Christian faith. It is of great importance because it tells us very explicitly the relationship between the old covenant and the new covenant, the law and the gospel. This book left an indelible mark on the Reformation as Galatians stirred Martin Luther as he learned to understand justification by faith alone and the free grace of God. Join this class for an interactive study of Paul’s letter of gospel freedom to the Galatians.

Gospel-Shaped Marriage

Teacher: Derek Wells, Chad & Emily Van Dixhoorn
Location: Community Life Center 3 & 4

What does God’s Word teach us about the principles and practicalities of marriage? This class considers God’s design for marriage, God’s grace at work in marriage, and God’s plan to use marriage for the good of others. While principally designed for couples wishing to grow in the gospel-logic and love of married life, singles and people preparing for marriage are welcome too!

The Greatest Week: The Last Week of Christ

Teacher: Doug Falls
Location: Worship Center Rooms 201 & 211

While Jesus Christ lived about 33 years, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John each devote between 25-40% of their Gospels to just one week of his life, from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. For in that short span he rides triumphantly into Jerusalem as King, bursts into the temple as High Priest, teaches and preaches there as the Prophet, reconstitutes Passover as the Lord’s Supper, climaxing with the defeat of “all his and our enemies” by his death and resurrection! Join us as we marvel anew at “the things that have been accomplished” (Luke 1:1) by our Lord as depicted in Luke 19-24.

Growing Deeper Together: Knowing God

Teacher: Blair Smith
Location: Community Life Center 1 & 2

This class has a unique format: The first half of class will be fellowship and discussion around eight-person tables led by hosts. Then, the second half of class will feature a lecture applying the themes of the content, which for this semester is J. I. Packer’s classic book Knowing God. In this study we will be challenged to not just know about God but to know him. Knowing God explains the importance of theological study of the Lord, what the Bible has to say about God and his character, and the benefits of knowing him. Each truth learned about God should ultimately lead to prayer and praise.

Sketches in Church History III: The Reformation Through the Great Awakening

Teacher: Kevin DeYoung
Location: Community Life Center 5 & 6

As Christians we have a 2,000-year history filled with stories to tell and lessons to learn. After looking at the early church and the Medieval period over the last two fall semesters, we now turn our attention to the Reformation, the Puritan era, and the transatlantic Awakening. By focusing on one person each week, we will explore the broader themes, ideas, and movements from the end of the Medieval period up to the beginning of the modern world. We will cover familiar individuals like Martin Luther, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, and George Whitefield, as well as men and women slightly less known to us like Thomas Cranmer, William of Orange, and Susannah Wesley. This is the third of four proposed fall units on church history. There is no
need to have attended the previous church history classes in order to attend this one.

Fall 2024 Sunday School Class Recordings

The Biggest Story

Teachers: Ginny Joyce, Aaron Mayes, Amy Van Dusen & Tiphany Speck
Location: Worship Center Room 107

The King’s Community is a class designed for those with special learning needs or disabilities, but open to any who want to get to know and learn together with this wonderful community in our church. In addition to singing, serving and sharing concerns and celebrations in prayer with one another, team teachers use an engaging curriculum with an interactive approach to facilitate discipleship and community connection. This semester we will be working through stories from The Biggest Story Bible Storybook by our pastor, Kevin DeYoung, and learning to see the biggest story that runs through them all and points us over and over again to Jesus.

Youth Sunday School (Middle & High School)

Teachers: CCYM Staff
Location: Meets in the Youth Center (Lower Community Life Center)

God’s covenants with himself and his people are some of the most important concepts in Scripture. The promises that God makes reveal who he is and what he wants for his people and his world. They are exciting encouragements that guarantee the salvation of God’s elect and open our eyes to the power and faithfulness of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Come join us for a regular Sunday rhythm of Bible study and prayer time as we survey the covenant framework of the Bible and examine the epic promises that make up redemptive

Children’s Sunday School and Sunday Morning Information

Various Locations

Christ Covenant Children’s Ministry uniquely comes alongside parents and caregivers to assist them as the primary disciple makers of their children. We desire to partner with all families in developing children to be lifelong worshippers of the living God. While corporate worship is the primary focus of our Sunday, Sunday School is the time set aside for children of all ages to gather together and grow in their knowledge and love for God with teaching and engaging activities designed just for them! We hope all families will make their children’s Sunday School attendance a priority so that you don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to grow in the Lord together!

Checking in Your Child
Please check in all children prior to Sunday School at one of our three check in locations. If you are visiting for the first time, please come to the Children’s Ministry Welcome Center in the North Lobby where a staff member will be there to assist you. These check in locations can be found in:

  • The North Lobby of the Worship Center
  • “The Gate” in Building B Room 102
  • The foyer of Building C (9:00 a.m. only)

9:00 A.M. Locations (beginning again August 27, 2023)

  • Nursery (newborn to toddlers) is located in the Worship Center.
  • Preschool (2-4 year olds) meets in Building B
  • Elementary (K-5th grade) meets in Building C

10:45 A.M. Locations

  • Nursery (newborn to toddlers) is located in the Worship Center.
  • 2-4 year olds meet in Building B. Twos may be in their class for the entire worship service. Threes and Fours enjoy worship with families until the offering. During the offering, please escort your children to Children’s Bible Time in Building B.

Have questions or need help finding where your child goes? Email us at [email protected] or stop by the Children’s Ministry Welcome Center in the North Lobby. We are happy to help!