We are so glad you are visiting Christ Covenant. If you need assistance when you are at Christ Covenant, please stop by either of our Guest Centers located in the worship center in either the main lobby or the north lobby. We are happy to help you however we can.
Fragrance Free Section
We have a fragrance free seating section in the sanctuary. This is located in the north side of the balcony. Signs are available to direct you to this seating area. If you sit in the fragrance free section, please refrain from wearing any type of lotions or perfume with a fragrance.
Hard of Hearing
Christ Covenant Church offers hearing devices for those who are hard of hearing. You can check out one of the hearing devices at the Welcome Center in the main lobby of the worship center. At this time, only the sanctuary is set up with the hearing device technology that we currently use.
Nursing Mother’s Room
Christ Covenant Church has a nursing mother’s room that is available for all mom nursing infants. This room is located in the worship center and is room 103. If you have trouble locating the room, please stop by one of the guest centers or the Children’s Ministry Welcome Desk in the north lobby. One of our members or staff will be happy to assist you.
Wheelchair Accessible Entrance
The worship center has two entrances which offer wheelchair access to our sanctuary: the main lobby entrance has direct access to the sanctuary and the north lobby entrance which offers access to an elevator to the sanctuary. Entrances are labeled with signs. If you need a wheelchair, a wheelchair can be found in each of our lobbies for your use while you are at Christ Covenant.