Ways to Give

Have your routing number and bank account information available.

  1. Click on the button below and scroll down to the “Choose Payment Type” section of the form.
  2. Fill in your information.
  3. Complete the rest of the form and click “Give.”

Click the button to pay with your card.

  1. Click on the button below and scroll down to the “Choose Payment Type” section of the form.
  2. Fill in your information.
  3. Complete the rest of the form and click “Give.”

You can also give with your bank account and/or set up a recurring gift through your bank.

  • Visit your bank’s website and log on.
  • Find the link to Pay Bills, Pay Bills Online, or something similar.
  • Then add Christ Covenant Church as a “Payee.”
  • Simply search for us using our phone number: 704-847-3505.
  • Then select the result that corresponds to our physical address: 800 Fullwood Lane, Matthews, NC 28105
  • Click next.
  • Make sure everything looks correct.
  • Click submit.
  • Now that we have been added you can type in the amount you would like to give and the date you would like it to arrive.

Contact your bank for further details.

Please make checks payable to “Christ Covenant Church” and mail to:

Christ Covenant Church
Attn: Finance
800 Fullwood Lane
Matthews, NC 28105

Feel free to give your cash or check during the offertory at our morning and/or evening services. Morning service begins at 10:45 a.m. and evening service begins at 6:00 p.m. Offering boxes are also located inside sanctuary at the north, south, main exits and the main exit in the balcony.

You can give through our new online giving platform hosted by Fellowship One by clicking on the link below and follow the instructions on the page:

God’s Word shows us both the responsibilities and the blessings of giving. The act of giving is our acknowledgement that all that we have is a gift to us, entrusted for our stewardship and intended for good. We are taught that our giving should be in proportion to what we have received through God’s goodness, and that it should come from a cheerful heart.

Our giving is an act of worship, a reflection of God’s kindness and provision. The proper use of those gifts is the solemn responsibility of those God places in the roles of leadership in His church. At Christ Covenant, that responsibility is carried out by our Elders and our Deacons.

They have prayerfully established a framework for giving that reflects careful stewardship and God’s call to the fields of ministry He has fitted us for as a congregation. That framework can be described as Five Levels of Giving:

1. Tithe

Scripture teaches that the tithe is a tenth of all that God has given us. The tithe is the gift of highest priority. It is 10% of our money, but it is also a tenth of the time we are allotted and a tenth of the “talents” or skills we have been given. Your financial tithe to our church, along with “unrestricted and undesignated” gifts, are used to support the general operations of the church.

2. Faith Promise

Faith Promise giving is the primary means by which CCC supports international missions outreach. Faith Promise also supports other local, regional and national outreach. This is our second highest priority of giving to the church, after the tithe.

3. Kingdom-Advancement Giving

Our congregation has been led to be a part of advancing Christ’s Kingdom through our special designated offerings and highlight different areas that are approved by our leadership. They constitute our third level priority. You are encouraged to participate in these special offerings when communicated.

4. Special Giving

Capital campaigns, Mercy Ministry, Covenant Day School (CDS) & Campus Outreach comprise the fourth level of priority of structure. Gifts to these ministry areas may be made anytime throughout the year.

Please note: Covenant Day School and Campus Outreach giving should be made directly to them through their websites.

5. CCC Endowment

Christ Covenant Church Endowment is a strategic collection of funds and methodologies designed to provide supplemental sources of revenue to support the future needs of the church and its ministries. This is our fifth priority of giving to the church.

Members and friends of Christ Covenant are always invited to ask questions about these giving levels and possible special gifts including financial instruments or real property. You or your representative may speak to an Elder or Deacon or contact our Senior Director of Administration, for detailed guidance in conveying special gifts. All giving information is handled in confidence.

Thank you for your gifts to Christ Covenant Church.

“Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.” – Malachi 3:10