Unsung Heroes: Epaphras

Unsung Heroes: Epaphras

Let’s open our Bibles today to the book of Colossians. We’re turning to two different places. First of all, chapter 1, verses 7 and 8. We actually begin our reading at verse 3, but 7 and 8 is our focus from chapter one. Then turning to chapter 4, we’ll be reading verses 12 and 13….

Wrestling in Prayer

Wrestling in Prayer

Let’s ask for the help of the Lord one more time. We give thanks, O God, for Your Word and we pray now that You would give us ears to hear what You want to say, a heart to feel what You want us to feel, a mind to understand what You want us to…

In Him, All Things Hold Together

In Him, All Things Hold Together

Pastor DeYoung (intro): It’s my pleasure to introduce our preacher this morning. Dr. Albert Mohler serves as president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, the flagship school of the Southern Baptist Convention, one of the largest seminaries in the world. Dr. Mohler is probably not a stranger to many of you. Though he hasn’t met…