A Charge to Keep I Have

A Charge to Keep I Have

It’s the expectation we’ve encountered everything that God is doing in all of the feasts and all of the festivals and all of the sacrifices, everything He’s doing for us, so of course one chapter at the very end is going to be our worship response to Him. How can we not be moved to enter into a life of consecration to the God who dwells in our midst?

Forgetting and Remembering

Forgetting and Remembering

Father in heaven, help us. We are easily distracted. We get tired, mind wanders, but we don’t want to waste our time. So help us to listen and not only to be hearers but to be doers, and that You would speak not just to our minds but to our hearts. We pray in Jesus’…

Our Light and Our Language

Our Light and Our Language

So this Leviticus 24 has everything to do with Jesus. It has everything to do with our salvation. It has everything to do with the very purpose under heaven whereby we have been made, that we might with our lives and our lips now and for eternity give glory to the Name.

There’s Power In The Blood

There’s Power In The Blood

And it is the scandal of God’s mercy, because it means against all human nature, fallen human nature, every part of you that wants to contribute to it, that wants to earn it, that wants to prove yourself, you can’t. You only can receive it, and drink it, as God’s blessing. As Jesus drank the cup of God’s wrath for your sakes, Christians, therefore He gives to us the cup of blessing that we may know in His blood, not to be cut off, not to be banished, not to be exiled, but to made clean and to live forever.