On the fourth Tuesday each month, when our Session meets, we encourage the members of our church family to take time from their usual schedule to stop and pray for the needs of our congregation. Any members or church attendees may come and pray any time from 7:30 am – 6:30 pm in the Covenant Day School Conference Room located in the A Building next to the church’s main office. Can’t make it to the church? That is okay! We hope you will take time to pray, whether at lunch, during a commute, or with your family at dinner time, to pray for our congregation. We want to cover the entire day of prayer, so please sign up here to let us know what time you plan to pray and help us cover the day fully in prayer.
If you are able to make it on campus to pray, please be sure to initial the sign-up sheet when you come to pray so that we know you were here! You will find a number of items to assist in praying.
- The prayer cards people have turned in over the last month,
- A booklet with current prayer requests from our missionaries,
- A notebook of prayer suggestions,
- Two notebooks with the church directory,
- Bibles and devotionals,
- “You were prayed for today” cards and envelopes to write to people that were prayed for.
If you are praying at work or home, prayer guide are available online and can be found by clicking here.