What does this Covenant of Fellowship mean?
A sincere and personal relationship and involvement with Christ and His Church catholic (universal) and Christ Covenant (local).
A. A Personal relationship with Christ
By God’s grace and for His glory, I personally commit myself to:
- the Gospel of Jesus Christ by faith and repentance,
- walk with Christ as a true disciple on a daily basis,
- honor Christ in all my responsibilities and relationship (family, work, school, community, church, etc.),
- live for the glory of God as the governing principle in my life, and
- study God’s Word, develop an effective prayer life, be a witness for Christ, and a good steward of my time, talents and treasure.
B. A Personal relationship with the Church of Jesus Christ
By God’s grace and for His glory, I do embrace:
- Christ’s Church as connectional,
- Christ’s Church as confessional, and
- Christ’s Church as covenantal.
C. A Vital relationship with Christ Covenant Church
By God’s grace and for His glory, I will seek to:
- develop personal and family worship,
- strive for the peace and purity of Christ Covenant,
- cultivate the skill and joy of true worship,
- honor, love and prefer the brethren,
- be a faithful witness for Christ,
- minister my spiritual gift in at least one specific ministry, and
- commit myself to the Celebration Assembly in worship on the Lord’s Day morning and evening, Communities for fellowship and shepherding, and small groups for nurturing and accountability.
Membership Vows
I do acknowledge myself to be a sinner in the sight of God, justly deserving His displeasure, and without hope save His sovereign mercy.
I do believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and Savior of sinners, and do receive and rest upon Him alone for salvation as He is offered in the Gospel.
I now resolve and promise, in humble reliance upon the grace of the Holy Spirit, that I will endeavor to live as becomes the followers of Christ.
I do promise to support Christ Covenant Church in its worship and work to the best of my ability.
I do submit myself to the government and discipline of the church, and promise to study its purity and peace.
Our Loyalty Commitment
In obedience to the Word of God, I do commit myself to the goal of giving a good report. If this is not possible, I do purpose to remain silent and go privately to the person and explain what hinders me from giving a good report. I hereby purpose to approach any offender in a spirit of genuine love, having first examined and corrected my own attitudes and actions. Only if I am unable to restore the offender will I share the problem with others, and then only in accordance of Matthew 18:15-18. If I violate this vow, I purpose to ask forgiveness and purpose reconciliation, knowing that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
Three Avenues for Membership
1. You may unite by Profession of Faith. Baptism, administered by an ordained minister, is required for all seeking membership unless the applicant has previously been baptized.
2. You may unite by Reaffirmation of your Faith. Those who cannot secure a Certificate of Transfer (some denominations do not grant letters to churches outside their own communion) or who have been inactive and wish to make a fresh beginning in the Christian life and rededicate themselves to God, are received on their own statement of faith in Christ. Baptism, as noted above, is required for those uniting by Reaffirmation.
3. You may unite by Transfer of Letter if you are a member in good standing of a church in the Presbyterian Church in America.
New Member Online Forms
There are two forms that need to be completed by each individual. Please click on each form and answer each question as it pertains to you.