Welcome to Officer Candidate Training! This class will be held for 8-weeks in preparation to stand for the office of either Elder or Deacon at Christ Covenant Church. Please use the next few weeks to prayerfully consider your call to these offices.

Please complete the personal biography, using link below, by the due date.

Candidates are requested not to miss more than one class. Please contact Tom Groelsema at [email protected] if unavoidable circumstances arise in attending.

Training Schedule /Candidate Biography

  1. Schedule
  2. Officer Biography (Click here) – Please email completed form to Jenny Blackmon by March 31, 2024.

Officer Training Manual

Please use the lessons in the Training Manual to complete the questions prior to class. No preparation needed for the first session. Session questions below are fillable Word forms.

3. Officer Candidate Training Manual

Church Discipline

4. “Biblical Church Discipline” by Daniel E. Wray

Book of Church Order – 2023 (BCO)

5. Book of Church Order

Class Recordings

Staff Contacts

Tom Groelsema, Executive Pastor
[email protected] | 704-708-6115

Jenny Blackmon, Ministry Administrator to Pastors
[email protected] | 704-708-6104