Christ Covenant Church offers various pastoral internships throughout the year for seminary students pursuing a career in ministry. Below are our current Christ Covenant Church pastoral interns.

Aaron Andrade

[email protected]

Aaron grew up in south-eastern Massachusetts. After graduating high school, he enlisted in the U.S. Army, married his high school sweetheart, and completed two deployments to Iraq. He studied business management as an undergraduate student and earned his M-Div from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. He currently works as a business consultant, providing leadership and organizational development, executive coaching, and strategic advising.

Aaron has served in previous church roles primarily as a worship director along with teaching roles and is now pursuing chaplain ministry. He, his wife Laura and three children, Julia, Brayden, and Ava, moved to Charlotte in 2021. His favorite things about North Carolina are more sunny days, using the word “ya’ll,” pimento cheese, North Carolina BBQ, and not shoveling snow.

Matthew Kirk

[email protected]

Matthew is happily married to Caroline and the proud father of Archibald, Beatrix, and Cedric. He grew up in Northern Ireland until he went to Durham University in the North of England where he studied History and Politics as an undergraduate. Matthew went on to earn a Masters in Early Modern History at the same University, and then spent four years working for a church in the heart of Durham city. Initially, he served in student ministry and children’s ministry, he later worked more specifically with international students. Following a few years working in Business Development and World Heritage Fundraising, Matthew moved to Leeds to explore the call to ministry and came under care of the International Presbyterian Church in the UK. Matthew and his family moved to Charlotte in July 2021 in order to study and pursue a Masters of Divinity at RTS.

Zac Leach

[email protected]

Zac is from England and is married to Kate, and they have two young children, Lydia and Barnabas. Before coming to Charlotte, he worked in ministry for a small church plant in Leeds, Yorkshire for four years. He is currently under care with the International Presbyterian Church. In 2018, he graduated from Durham University in England with an undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences. On completing his RTS degree, his plan is to move back to the UK and enter into full-time pastoral ministry.

Shawn Lim

[email protected]

Shawn was born in Singapore and has lived there all his life before coming to Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte to start his M.Div. in 2023. He is married to Sarah, and they have a son, Luke. He grew up in a Bible-Presbyterian church in Singapore. Before coming to seminary, Shawn studied Industrial Systems at the Singapore University of Technology and Design and then worked for four years at Singapore Airlines. Raised in a godly family, he was enlisted to serve his local church from a young age, helping in the nursery, teens ministry, and as superintendent for the young adults’ Sunday School (ironically called the seniors’ department). He was also in the choir, fulfilling his mother’s wish, but excelled more in doing AV for the church. He is currently employed by his home church in Singapore, where he will enter full-time pastoral ministry after he graduates in May 2026.

Justin Wilson

[email protected]

Justin was born and raised in Charleston, Illinois (unfortunately, not the cool Charleston down in South Carolina). After sitting on the bench for a year of college baseball, he discerned a call to ministry that has since taken him from sitting on the bench to sitting in the library. He transferred back to his hometown and graduated from Eastern Illinois University with a degree in Communication in Organizations. Near the end of undergrad, he met his wife, Lydia, while working at a summer camp. They have been married since January 2022 and are expecting their first child Valentine’s Day 2024. Justin began his M.Div. studies at RTS in 2023.