About this study – Colossians

As we study Paul’s letter to the Colossians, we will be using a book by Kathleen Nielson that provides questions to guide us thoughtfully through the text. The message of Colossians emphasizes the preeminence of Jesus Christ, who has defeated the powers of darkness on the cross. Believers are called to grow in maturity in Christ. Our meeting time will include prayer and fellowship, along with an interactive discussion time.

Dates, Times, Location, and Study Format

Dates: September 14, 2024- May 10, 2025

Time: Second Saturday of each month from 9:30am-11:00am

Location: Community Life Center

Format: Participants meet monthly to go over the lesson for that month in a whole-group discussion time led by the Bible study leaders.

Homework and Fees

Homework: The estimated weekly time for homework is 1-2 hours.

Bible Study Fee: $20

There is no childcare available for this study.

How to join & to register for this study

Registration for this study will begin on August 1, 2024 at 8:00am. Please click the button below to register.