The Kingdom Renewed

The Kingdom Renewed

Heavenly Father, we pray for Your grace. We don’t pray in this brief moment before the sermon because that’s just how we start sermons; we pray because we need Your help. We need ears to hear or this will be wasted time. I need Your Spirit, or what I preach will just be my own…

A King is Crowned

A King is Crowned

That is our prayer this morning as we turn to God’s Word. I invite you to turn with me in your Bibles to 1 Samuel 10 as we continue to make our way through this book, looking at the life of Samuel. We have a couple more chapters, a couple more weeks in this series,…

Here I Raise My Ebenezer

Here I Raise My Ebenezer

I encourage you to turn in your Bibles to 1 Samuel, chapter 7. 1 Samuel, chapter 7. In chapter 4 we saw the Philistines defeat the Israelites and so the Israelites bring the ark into battle, but they presume upon the Lord and they are defeated again, and the ark is captured. In chapter 5…

When the Glory Departs

When the Glory Departs

Our heavenly Father, as we think of those two truths, our worth and our unworthiness, we come to Your Word asking, believing in faith, that You would speak to us, tell us just what we need to hear, cut through all of the distractions. May we hear not simply a man speaking behind a pulpit…

Speak Lord

Speak Lord

Well, we continue today our study in 1 Samuel. We’re turning today to chapter 3, 1 Samuel 3. So in the first chapter of Samuel we saw the prayer of Hannah, that God would bless her with a son and the Lord did that. We saw contrast in chapter 2 between Samuel as he’s growing…