Apathetic and Ashamed

Apathetic and Ashamed

Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name be glory, because of Your love and faithfulness. We trust in You, Lord, the maker of heaven and earth, our help and our shield. Give us now ears to hear. Some in the hearing of this room no doubt need to be awakened…

Strength in Weakness

Strength in Weakness

And that’s where some of you are this morning. You don’t have to see the end. In fact, it’s often good not to try to project too far out to the end because you don’t know a month, a year, let alone 20 years; and when you think that far out, you think, “I can’t…

In Name Only

In Name Only

You are our portion, O Lord. We promise to obey Your words. We seek Your face with our whole heart, and so we ask that You would be gracious to us according to Your promise. The earth is filled with Your love, O Lord. Teach us Your decrees. We pray for Jesus’ sake. Amen. I…

Undeterred and Undiscerning

Undeterred and Undiscerning

Our Father in heaven, the words we have just sung, may they be our prayer, that You would show us Christ. Keep us pure. Help us to love and to practice what is true. Preserve us; cause us to persevere, that we might not forfeit our right to eat from the tree of life, and…

Faithfulness Unto Death

Faithfulness Unto Death

Most people don’t consider that they will die. They assume they will go to heaven. They think there’s a way to avoid death and they don’t have to think because everyone just goes to heaven and consequently most people spend more time trying to avoid death than they do spending time preparing and making sure…

When Love Grows Cold

When Love Grows Cold

We never want to be a church that’s just gathered together because like-minded people who like to think and talk about the same ideas. Well, you might like to talk about all sorts of other ideas and it just happens to be that you like to talk about Bible ideas. Well, that’s good. We need…