I’ve Got The Power!
Rest in the truth that God gives Himself to you in Christ, and that by His divine power He has enabled you and actively enables you to live a life worthy of your calling.
Rest in the truth that God gives Himself to you in Christ, and that by His divine power He has enabled you and actively enables you to live a life worthy of your calling.
He is the beginning, the first born from the dead that in everything He might be preeminent.
God loves to hear from you, and He will do more than we can ask or imagine. So don’t waste your summer. Don’t waste time feeling all of the guilt of I should have been praying more and now I’m not praying very well. Just pray. Just go out on a long, wandering walk and pray. Make time for the freedom and joy of long prayer, to think your meandering thoughts in the presence of God and see what God will do to bless you.
We’re going to be restless until we find our rest in Christ and that’s why this day is such a great day for rest, because you can say, “I’m not restless anymore. I am resting in Jesus and resting from all that I have to do so I can focus upon Him.”
Worship Bulletin & Announcements