Faith’s Feats

Faith’s Feats

Let’s turn once again in our Bibles to Hebrews 11 as we work our way through the final verses of this chapter.  Hebrews 11.  We’re looking tonight at verses 29 through 40.  Hebrews 11, verses 29 through 40.  As we read these words, remember that this is God’s holy inspired and inerrant Word.  “By faith…

Seeing Him Who is Invisible

Seeing Him Who is Invisible

Father, thank You again for bringing us together in Your house.  We thank You for the good word that we heard this morning about prayer.  So we pray, dear Father, that we would become more like You in praying, praying for Your glory and Your honor.  Even now we ask that as Your Word goes…

The Faith of Our Fathers

The Faith of Our Fathers

Well, good afternoon, Christ Covenant.  Good evening, I should say.  Really is a blessing to be here with you.  If we haven’t met, I would love to meet you.  Pretty friendly guy, me and my family, Shelby’s here. If you would, please turn in your Bibles to Hebrews chapter 11.  While you’re turning there, let…

Faith for Us

Faith for Us

Our great God and heavenly Father, we gather together this evening for worship, in Spirit and in truth.  We give thanks for Your Word, which is sufficient and authoritative.  Tune our hearts now to attend carefully to it and be present with us by Your Spirit that we might be encouraged and empowered to faithful…