God Treasures Humility

God Treasures Humility

Fam, will you pray with me?  Holy Father, will You give us humble hearts, teachable and obedient hearts.  In You kindness may You use me, allow us to receive the truth of Your Word and allow us to not just get smarter but that we may know You and worship You by doing what you…

Pleading with God in Prayer

Pleading with God in Prayer

Please turn with me in your Bibles this morning to Isaiah 38.  If you’re visiting with us today, we have been in a, I think it is a four-week now, we have one more week to go, a series on the life of Hezekiah from Isaiah 36 and we’ll conclude next Sunday in Isaiah 39….

Who Did You Think I Was?

Who Did You Think I Was?

Almighty God, we do pray that You would open our ears that we may hear, open our eyes that we may see, open our hearts that we may respond to the Word that You would have for us today.  It’s in Your Son’s name that we pray these things.  Amen.    If you would go…

The King of Our Circumstances

The King of Our Circumstances

Please turn with me in your Bibles.  If you don’t have a Bible, there’s some in the pew in front of you.  We’re going to be looking at the prophet Isaiah, chapter 37, verses 1 through 20.  That’s Isaiah 37, 1 through 20. Here the word of the Lord. “As soon as King Hezekiah heard…

Crisis and the Crown

Crisis and the Crown

Let’s pray together before we read our Scripture and study God’s Word as we come to our holy God. We thank You, O holy God, for Your holy Word, Your Word that is inspired by God, from the lips of God, Your Word that is inerrant.  Nothing false in Your Word at all, down to…