God’s Plan In Our Pain

God’s Plan In Our Pain

Let’s pray. O Lord, you are good and do good. Teach me, teach us, Your statutes. The insolent smear us with lies, but with our whole hearts, we keep Your precepts. Their heart is unfeeling like fat, but we delight in Your law. It is good for us that we were afflicted, that we might…

Stones to Throw

Stones to Throw

Our text this morning comes from John’s Gospel, chapter 8, the end of the chapter beginning at verse 48 through verse 59. John chapter 8, beginning at verse 48. “The Jews answered Him, ‘Are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?’ Jesus answered, ‘I do not have a…

The Truth that Sets You Free

The Truth that Sets You Free

O Lord, that is our prayer. Not simply that we would leave here in 40 minutes feeling good or bad or knowing something we didn’t know, or even understanding Your Word better as important as that is. Our prayer ultimately is that you would show us Christ. You would reveal your glory through the preaching…

Light of the World

Light of the World

Let’s pray. Our loving heavenly Father, we love what Your Word says in James 4:6, “but he gives more grace.” And so we claim Your promise, that though you oppose the proud, You give grace to the humble. We come now to Your Word with meekness and with confidence, with humility and with boldness. We…

Never Spoke a Man Like This

Never Spoke a Man Like This

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, we ask now that you would give us ears to hear and hearts to feel and wills to obey. Deal with us according to your steadfast love, and teach us your statutes. Show us Christ that we may love and worship Him, with all that we have, in light of all…

Rivers of Living Water

Rivers of Living Water

Our text this morning comes from John’s Gospel, chapter 7. You want to have your Bibles open to John chapter 7, beginning at verse 25 through 39, and especially so because we will be flipping back to the Old Testament to get some background throughout the sermon to understand what’s going on here, so it’s…